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Search results: 6
Dylan Maguire and Wes Latham
Dylan Maguire and Wes Latham

Today we have our 2nd (and final) scene with Wes Latham. With only 2 scenes under his belt, Wes definitely qualifies for our 'guest star' category. His partner, on the other hand, is well known to everyone.

Time: 06:00
Added: July 18, 2018
Views: 12142

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Nils Tatum and Roald Ekberg
Nils Tatum and Roald Ekberg

This is one of our scenes filmed during our 'Summer Break' production but didn't quite make it into the schedule then, so we hung onto it for a little while. Nils is still fairly fresh to filming here, so it helps that he has a very experienced partner in Roald Ekberg.

Time: 05:00
Added: July 17, 2018
Views: 15529

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Joel Birkin and Arne Coen
Joel Birkin and Arne Coen

We last saw Joel in a night scene with Adam Archuleta, and we are happy to have him back again today with another big dicked buddy in Arne Coen. When Joel first started filming with us it seemed that his monster dick was quite intimidating for most of his scene partners

Time: 05:07
Added: July 13, 2018
Views: 7868

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Bobby Noiret and Jeff Mirren
Bobby Noiret and Jeff Mirren

Bobby is one of our boys that seems to get sexier and sexier as he gets older. Luckily for us, his partner in today's scene also fits into the same category.

Time: 05:14
Added: July 12, 2018
Views: 3838

Jack Harrer and Bastian Dufy
Jack Harrer and Bastian Dufy

As part of our promise that you would get plenty of Jack this year, the 2nd scene in Jambo Africa features Jack getting fucked by Bastian Dufy. Being a model of long-standing and enhanced reputation, Jack enjoys a few privileges, and this time one of those privileges is getting to choose his own scene partner.

Time: 05:07
Added: July 8, 2018
Views: 8175

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Down Low Part 4
Down Low Part 4

When Jason Maddox sites his former fuck-buddy, Brenner Bolton, within the farm’s stables, he cannot wait to skip the little-talk about his lame partner, and get down to ravaging his buddy’s tight gap.

Time: 05:46
Added: June 30, 2018
Views: 7692

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